Gymnastic Classes
Sokol Greater Cleveland is a membership driven organization, so to enroll children in our gymnastic classes, at least one parent or guardian is required to become an Associate Member of Sokol Greater Cleveland. See Membership page for details.
Our gymnastic classes are for little tots starting at age 3 years old, young boys and girls, as well as teenagers and adults. There is something for every skill level and fitness level, all the way to 65+ years. You are sure to find one that is right for you.
Fitness is a great area of interest and focus in the Sokol traditions. We are proud to be able to offer these wonderful skill building and challenging programs for our members and their families.

When: Monday – Sunday
Duration: 1 hr to 1.5 hrs – depending on class
Where: Sokol Greater Cleveland
Join: Contact us for more information, or to register for classes contact our directors, Howie and Jane Wise
Financial Assistance: You can print the financial aid form and return to Sokol Greater Cleveland by clicking the button below.
Classes Offered
Tots Class
Boys and Girls ages 3-5
Class Meets Saturday’s 10:00 – 11:00 am
The goal of the Tots Program is to develop motor coordination and confidence. This is achieved through a variety of basic gymnastic skills, games, and socialization activities.
Girls Class
Ages 6–12
Class meets Tuesdays 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. & 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Because of the size of this class, it is split into two sessions. The early session is for girls ages 6-8 years old and the second session for 8-12. Gymnastic Levels 1 through 4 are used, enabling the girls to experience success at their own pace. Conditioning and coordination activities using games and calisthenics add to a well-rounded class.
Boys Class
Ages 6–12
Class meets Fridays 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
The boys participate in many activities that promote strength, agility and athletic ability. Gymnastic skills are taught using the USA Gymnastics skill levels based on the boy’s ability level. Sports, games, and calisthenics are added in this diversified class.
Junior Girls Class
Ages 12–18
Class meets Mondays 6:45 – 8:45 p.m.
Class time is spent working at their own pace through gymnastic Levels 1 through 6. Warm-ups and mass calisthenics are also emphasized. Lower Level USAG Xcel routines are also emphasized.
Junior Boys Class
Ages 12–18
Class meets Fridays 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
This program uses lead up sport skills to expose teenage boys to a variety of other sports. Included are gymnastics, calisthenics, and fitness activities.
Women’s Class
Ages 18+
Class Meets Thursdays 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
The goal of the women’s class is to improve the physical fitness of its members using a diversified program. Many varied activities at different levels are done to meet the needs of this class including aerobics, calisthenics, dance, games and more. Gymnastic skills are taught by level and age as well.
Men’s Class
Ages 18+
Class meets Fridays 8:45 – 10:15 p.m.
The men’s class focuses on enjoying a well-rounded program and camaraderie. There is something for all ages and fitness levels. Gymnastics is still available for those who are able, and a wide variety of additional activities for all the rest. Men go through many changes between the ages of 18 and 65+, and this class is structured to accommodate.
Daytime Fitness Class
Adult Co-Ed
Class meets Tuesdays 10:00 – 11:00 A.M.
This class is geared to the Senior Citizen ability levels. Activities include walking, resistive exercises, light aerobics, lightweight exercises to improve muscle tone, and activities designed to improve range of motion and balance. All activities are kinds that adults will find interesting and challenging, whether they have limited abilities or are relatively fit. All fitness levels are welcome.
Winter and Spring Exhibitions
Each year, gymnasts of all ages participate in Winter and Spring Exhibitions, demonstrating their skills and celebrating their achievements from throughout the year. Additionally, Sokol units from all over America gather every few years for a Slet, a weekend-long exhibition and celebration of all things Sokol.

Sokol College Scholarship Opportunity
$500 Scholarships are awarded annually to two Sokol Greater Cleveland Gymnastic graduating seniors through American Sokol, Inc.
Previous recipients earning a minimum 3.0 GPA may apply for a $500 renewal scholarship.
Deadline is June 1st of each year. Contact Alice Khol 440-248-4742 with any questions.

Sokol Greater Cleveland
(at Bohemian National Hall)
4939 Broadway Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44127
Get Directions
Contact Us
(216) 883-0675