Support Sokol
Sokol Greater Cleveland is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, relying on our membership and friends.
Make a Donation
Below is our easy online givings link with PayPal and or any major credit card. We thank all our benefactors for their continued generous support!
Note: You can give with a one time gift and or a monthly giving.

Scan to make a SOKOL donation.
Sokol Greater Cleveland and Bohemian National Hall have dynamic ongoing activities which all require your support. There are several ways of contributing in addition to dues, fees, and costs for our programs.
Scan To Make A Project Donation
We are committed to maintaining the beauty and integrity of Bohemian National Hall.
The carpet in the inner lobby is over 40 years old and needs to be replaced.
The Restoration Committee along with a designer have chosen a carpet which enhances the beauty and old-world elegance of the hall.
The Czech Embassy has given us a grant for $8,000 which will only cover a portion of the total cost of $26,000.
Your generous donation will help us maintain this cultural treasure as part of Slavic Village.
Becoming a member of Sokol Greater Cleveland is one way to support us while enjoying what we offer. We have several levels of membership.
Workplace Matching Gift Programs
Companies of all sizes and in all business and service categories have Gift Matching programs which provide matching dollars for employee contributions to organizations such as ours. Businesses often encourage their employees to contribute to the community through a matching fund program or a workplace giving campaign. If you or someone in your family works for a company that has a matching program, you can benefit by doubling your endowment fund contribution dollars. Your company’s Human Resources Department or Community Relations Department should be able to provide you with the required form to mail to us.
Wills and Bequests
Establish a lasting legacy that will benefit in perpetuity by making Sokol Greater Cleveland/Bohemian National Hall a part of your estate plans. A bequest in your will brings tax savings since your estate is entitled to an estate tax charitable deduction for the full value of the bequest. That is, such a bequest is exempt from estate and inheritance tax. Your attorney will be able to assist you.
Get Involved
Become A Member
There is much to enjoy at Sokol Greater Cleveland, at historic Bohemian National Hall and home of Czech Cultural Center.
Enjoy ethnic food, drink & music, concerts, plays, films, cooking & language and other classes, sports, and many special events throughout the year in addition to our historic gymnastics program. Become a member with all its benefits and receive notification of upcoming activities.
All participants in the Sokol gymnastics program must be members of Sokol Greater Cleveland. To enroll children in our classes, at least one parent or guardian is required to become an Associate Member.

Sokol Greater Cleveland
(at Bohemian National Hall)
4939 Broadway Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44127
Get Directions
Contact Us
(216) 883-0675